2018 Author: Anastasia Higginbotham Illustrator: Anastasia Higginbotham Publisher: Dottir Press Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/anastasia-higginbotham/not-my-idea/ Media:
2015 Author: Franck Prévot Illustrator: Aurélia Fronty Publisher: Charlesbridge Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/franck-prevot/wangari-maathai/ Media:
2021 Author: Lee Eun-Hee (translated by Asuka Minamoto) Illustrator: Yoon Mi-Sook Publisher: Enchanted Lion Books Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/lee-eun-hee/the-three-water-drop-brothers/ Media:
2020 Author: Maria Dek Illustrator: Maria Dek Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/maria-dek/malo-and-the-merry-go-round/ Media:
2022 Author: Ruth Behar Illustrator: Devon Holzwarth Publisher: Knopf Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/ruth-behar/tia-fortunas-new-home/ Media:
2019 Author: Joanna Rzezak Illustrator: Joanna Rzezak Publisher: Thames & Hudson Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/joanna-rzezak/1001-ants/ Media:
2021 Author: Kim Hyo-Eun (translated by Deborah Smith) Illustrator: Kim Hyo-Eun Publisher: Scribble Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/kim-hyo-eun/i-am-the-subway/ Media:
Sam Onche • March 6, 2023 Dear Black Boy Dear Black boy, Black and beautiful.Radiant as the sun, Close your eyes and see. Look deep down insideDeep within the mirror of your…
2021 Author: James Yang Illustrator: James Yang Publisher: Viking Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/james-yang/a-boy-named-isamu/ Media: