Archive of Letters and Voices • Gerald L. Jackson
• July 23, 2024
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Dear Child,
I send this message to you because I care. I care about your life, your future, and what you do next. I care about the choices you make, and the challenges you will face. I care about your safety and who watches over you. I care because your life is precious and what you do today can affect your tomorrow.
I want to see you at your best, but it’s going to require you do some things. First, I need you to believe in yourself. Believe that you are destined for greatness, and you won’t quit when times get hard. Second, I need you to commit to learning as much as you can. The more you know, the better you will be. Third, set goals and work them to completion. Goals can help you stay focused and out of trouble. Fourth, never compare or try to be like anyone else. Being different makes you great. Be the leader I know you can be. Last, but not least:
Be proud when you look in the mirror,
Stand tall when you walk out the door,
People will watch, so carry integrity,
Each time your feet touch the floor.
Until next time,
Gerald L. Jackson