Comic Books Celebration with Flying Eye Books and NoBrow
We are starting the year with a special celebration of comic books and other titles from Flying Eye Books and NoBrow.
We love the biography series, such as Audubon, on the Wings of the World, Einstein, and Shackleton’s Journey. And the comic book variety is also far too tempting. During the month of October, stop by Bindlestiff Books for a wide selection of books and get a free comic book with every Flying Eye or NoBrow title.
A Book a Day would like to thank Flying Eye Books and NoBrow for bringing such fantastic graphic novels to our kids. In October, twenty new titles will be added to the school libraries at the Henry C. Lea School and the Penn Alexander School. In this selection, we are focusing on biographies, graphic novels, and on books promoting beautiful artwork. We will continue featuring publishers whose titles are intriguing and draw our attention.
Our thanks to Bindlestiff Books for their continued support and partnership.